Friday, July 10, 2009

one day i was walking to work and you called me, depressed about life again, asking i-dont-know-what of me, and the snow was hitting my face, and i could barely even see, and i just yelled at you with this huge smile on my face i said nothing matters, nothing matters, none of it matters, trust me it doesn't, and you were saying something but i could barely even hear you, and that's how i feel sometimes still, when i'm on these long beaches i forget that they end and something else worse starts somewhere else, staggering like a fool with my knobbly stick carving words all around for someone to find but to not care about, find balloons and tampons and refrigerator parts, after enough of them i come back to earth, walk back, it's just like walking into the ol soup store again


cameras are ok said...

kind of inspiring in a depressing way

Asia said...


Greg Fleming said...

you were right. this is a rant. but a rant i enjoyed reading oddly enough,

sole said...

uh nice colors in your pictures

whiskey and diet said...

i like this alot.